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Top last-mile delivery companies

Top last mile delivery companies

Top last mile delivery companies

Top last-mile delivery companies
In recent times as the customer adopted the E-Commerce model and significantly shifted toward online shopping. At the time it becomes very challenging for the shippers to deliver the product as soon as possible. Especially when there is a covid pandemic and all the world is trapped. There has been an increase in the demand for last-mile delivery. Because at that time the local shippers aren’t able to keep up with the demand to deliver the parcel at the speed that consumers expect.
At the time we are in dire need of a delivery model that promises our customer to deliver the product as soon as possible.

Keep reading the article so as to get some know-how about the latest technology, that should be added to our delivery models. So to help meet these challenges and manage this shift in the behaviors of the buyer. And at the end to get loyal in the satisfied happy customer.

Top last-mile delivery companies

On fleet

Onfleet is a platform that is designed with amazing features for service providers to offer cheap, and quick delivery to their customers. And to meet the customer need and retailers’ difficulties. Onfleet includes a smartphone app for drivers’ updated dashboards that access has been given to both the customer and the service provider. In addition to these, it also provides notification and real-time tracking to its customers. It helps thousands of deliveries starting from grocery to online companies. Some of its features  involve

Real-time tracking of travel lives location, most probable ETA about the order. Providing notifications about the alerts for the customer. In addition, these also provide an additional feature of on-time checking as the retailer can monitor their success, rating, reviews, service time, distance traveled, and many more so to get a loyal and satisfied customer.


Narrow is an American company based on the concept of using robots instead of humans. They are self-driving road vehicles on a mission to better everyday life while getting help from your robots. It involves self-driving transport vehicles from a central hub to the customer’s place. Nuro makes life easier and simpler by using their self-driving vehicles. Nuro would rather go for small vehicles carrying small packages instead of larger ones. So making safe and the quick delivery to the customers decided place. This type of last-mile delivery company enables the safety and the on-time delivery of the product as it’s all about robots.


Postmates is working with the mission to let its customers get on-demand at their place within 1 hour or less than 1 hour. It connects customers with the local courier based on the location of the product. The customer will get the desired product in the timeless than 60 minutes. This type of last Mile delivery company is majorly used for on-demand food, in goods delivery most commonly for grocery and restaurant meals.


It is a platform for delivering products as soon as possible by different methods. During the covid-19 pandemic, we observed that the last mile faces many difficulties. The most important of them is the least interaction between the customer and the service provider. Matternet is taking the whole situation into his hands by talking to a Sky, rather than a rider traveling by road making it easy to deliver the product as soon as possible. It is used in European countries. Matternet ensures quick access to the goods making delivery operation smooth and working independently.


Piggy bee is one of the top last Mile delivery startup companies. It is basically a  delivery method that connects people to travelers. When the user finds a traveler he communicates with him. After finalizing all the details related to time, profit, and others. The traveler gets payment after the delivery is complete. And at the end, piggybee rates him as helping the traveler to build fame. Piggybee is a platform where travelers and buyers connect.

Mile now provides you with the best solution for your delivery company. It is highly recommended as this company enables you to deliver your products within time to the customer with many additional features like on-time tracking,  updated notifications, etc. Check it once and you will definitely love it.

Read Also; Benefits of food delivery software
